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photo of Katie & Lynn

Hi, we are Katie & Lynn, (Yes, we are twins...Yes, we get asked all the time and No, we don't mind you asking... We love being twins, it's one of our superpowers!). 


We are so happy you found us! We know you found us for a reason, because we know what you are going through! We felt just like you do now. . .


Through each of our 22 year careers (44 years combined) in the technology and corporate world, we've built new divisions, turned around poor performing teams, held executive level positions, led organizations, hired & managed 100's of people. We've worked with all types; large corporations, small businesses, entrepreneurs, the Department of Defense, both funded and pre-funded start ups. 


We moved up the corporate ranks and recognized even though we were successful, something was missing. We did everything we were "supposed" to do and yet still felt emotionally trapped, frustrated, empty, stressed, overwhelmed... we were stuck on the hamster wheel, locked in golden handcuffs and couldn't figure out how to get out! We didn’t know what “it” was, but we knew that "it" WAS missing and we were NOT HAPPY.

On paper things looked "perfect"! We did what we "SHOULD". We were leaders in big name companies, we had teams of 60, 100, 150+ people. We had impressive titles, revenue responsibilities in the $150 Million+, we were driving strategy for areas that were new and innovative. We were leading offices in multiple states, countries even. We had international teams reporting to us, cross functional teams globally. We were where we had "always wanted" to be. We had worked so hard to get HERE. We sacrificed in things that seemed small at the beginning and became big at the end. We were FINALLY THERE!!! We had made it!!!


We were always available, over extended, emotionally exhausted. We felt undervalued. We didn't even recognize ourselves anymore and we had no idea how we had "gotten here", and we felt trapped by golden handcuffs. We were  "should-ing" all over ourselves & drowning in "supposed tos". We'd been living our lives the way everyone else wanted us to. Our path had been defined by what others believed we were capable of, for what the business needed at that particular moment, based on our particular "corporate" skill set & experience. We made choices based on the opportunities set in front of us, not necessarily based on what we actually wanted. As we rose through the ranks, we continued to accept the better of the options presented. 


None of this was conscious. We were leaders, achievers, goal driven and by most accounts we were very successful. We thought it was just part of the process, part of the path to success. We were frustrated. How could we be where we were "supposed to be", doing what we were "supposed to be doing" and still so frustrated? We continued to look for external fixes, for the next promotion, the next raise, for a the more impressive title. We were looking outside for something to make us happy.   

When anyone asked what was going on in our lives, our answer always revolved around our career. Our identity was completely tied up in who we were at work. Our go to answer had become "I'm so busy" or "better busy than bored". Each morning we strapped on the boxing gloves and we stepped into the "ring". 


We were self-proclaimed perfectionists & wore that badge with honor. We had big responsibilities, our perceived value was based on our most recent performance numbers and were continually compared to others. We were chasing numbers someone else set, continually being volun-told we were taking on the "unique opportunities" like turning around poor performing teams and fixing broken processes. All of this in addition to any other responsibilities we had outside of work. We kept taking on more projects, adding more responsibility and expecting our extra effort to get "noticed".


Looking back now, stressed had become our new normal, and we were so "busy" we hadn't even noticed. We didn't realize it at the time, but we were looking for external validation & permission. Ultimately we felt stuck living a life based on everyone else’s definition of success, of responsibility, of happiness. We needed something to change, we felt lost because we had no idea what to do about it!

We kept our game face on, stayed "positive", towed the company line & remained "fine". We were "fine", we had said it so many times we even convinced ourselves of it. As usual we turned our focus to work because it was what we knew. We knew how to be successful. We knew how to control it. We had complete certainty around it. We continued to give all of our energy to something that was making us miserable. Our friends and loved ones got the scraps, after we had given it all at the office. The irony was, at the time, we didn't even know how miserable we actually were... because we were always "fine"... we "pushed through"... we "made it work", until it didn't! When we finally hit our inflection point we knew something HAD TO CHANGE. So of course we got new jobs, went to innovative new companies and guess what... the same things showed up again.  

With each new job we were happier, but still not happy...Now we were really confused, what was missing, and why couldn't we figure it out? We had no idea where to look. Since we couldn't find the answers by asking the same questions we had already asked ourselves over and over and over again, we set out to find new answers and found ourselves asking new questions. We started on what would become our most incredible and life altering experience (a.k.a. our own eat, pray, love journey!). Over the last 5 years we have spent countless hours, lots of tears, emotional ups & downs, frustrations, laughter and over a million dollars combined, immersing ourselves in some of the top self development programs. We joined six figure masterminds, meditation programs, and took countless trips around the world finding, learning from and being mentored by the top experts in their fields. Experts like Tony Robbins, Drs. John & Christina Amaral, Dr. Joe DispenzaMaster Stephen Co,  Joseph McClendon III, Melanie Ann Layer, James Wedmore and many more. We've been in small group sessions with Siri Lindley, Russell Brunson, Alison Armstrong, Byron Katie, Ester Perel, Cloe Madanes, Jan Hargraves, Dawson Church, Keith Cunningham, Jay Abraham, Peter Diamondis. Ray Dalio, David Meerman Scott, and many many many more. 

It was on this incredible journey that the B.E.L.I.E.V.E. blueprint© was born! 

We built this program to ensure we could help who “we were” when we needed the help most, when we were the most buried, the most numb, the most "fine"... maybe you can relate?!? Just sayin' you found us for a reason. 


We took tools and exercises that actually worked for us, and combined them with tools and technology we created. We KNOW the B.E.L.I.E.V.E. blueprint© WORKS, because we’ve lived it! It is our mission to share the tools we wish we had earlier! The tools that we really needed, the ones we needed when we were exactly where you are now! We are so excited to be able to give you access to these amazing tools without having to put your own life on hold. We did the work to figure out which ones you can implement in just a few short days or weeks instead of years! Our goal is to allow you to stay focused on what really matters to you, while shedding all the self induced stress and frustration we've all experienced, so you find your way back to being YOU again (She is in there, we promise)!

We know it works, if you honor yourself. If you commit to holding yourself accountable, make the changes, and truly want to be happy. We’ve seen it work for many before you, including us! 


We are very proud of the B.E.L.I.E.V.E. blueprint©. We have seen the impact it has had on the absolutely amazing women who have already completed this program, and are excited about the millions it will impact moving forward.

Find our B.E.L.I.E.V.E. BLUEPRINT offerings CLICK here

We are so glad you found us! We look forward to working with you in one form or another!

Hope your day is as wonderful as you are!

Katie & Lynn

Accredited Certifications:
Professional Life Coaching Certified
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Full Practitioner
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner
Happiness Life Coach Certified
CBT Cognitive Behavior Life Coach Certified
Transformation Life Coach Certified


Transform Life Coach certification
CBT Life Coach certification
Happiness Life Coach certification



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